
Fajar Sang Cahaya

Fajar Sang Cahaya menggambarkan beberapa individu dari berbagai benua mengaitkan pencarian peribadi mereka akan kebenaran dan makna. Mereka berkongsi penemuan mereka bahawa Tuhan telah mengirim dua Manifestasi Syurgawi — Báb dan Bahá'u'lláh — yang ajaran Mereka merevolusi pemikiran dan tingkah laku manusia, mengubah kegelapan menjadi cahaya. Filem ini menunjukkan pandangan-pandangan sekilas bagaimana penemuan ini sedang memberi inspirasi kepada ramai di seluruh dunia untuk berkhidmat kepada umat manusia dan menyumbang kepada pembinaan corak kehidupan baharu.

A Widening Embrace

There is a story unfolding. It is a story of humanity’s progress through history, propelled by the teachings of Messengers of God Who have guided humanity through its stages of development, and now to the dawn of its maturity.


Across the globe, followers of Bahá'u'lláh and their friends are striving in earnest to contribute to the well-being of their communities and the advancement of society.

to serve humanity

This series of short films captures the insights and conversation among participants as they explore some of the themes that are central to the process of community building. The words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, “God is the helper of those souls whose aim is to serve humanity and whose efforts and endeavours are devoted to the good and betterment of all mankind”, inspire the hearts of many youth, who are collectively striving to translate their aspirations into reality.

frontiers of learning

Young and old, in cities and villages around the world, are taking part in a process of community building based on concepts enshrined in the Bahá'í Teachings. This uplifting film captures the insights and experiences of children, junior youth, youth, and adults—in Canada, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and India—whose efforts to build vibrant communities are at the frontiers of learning.